Summer Jobs

Now’s your time!


Summer jobs once were the time to enjoy the sunshine as a lifeguard or babysit the neighbor kids or work in a local factor.  This has changed as summer jobs and activities have become a necessity as students and young adults build up their resume to land those competitive internships and fist jobs. 


The spring of 2020 became the time that the world hit pause.  Although there is a real panic about the pandemic, many individuals are stuck at home and have found that now that the world has shut down and all of your commitments are “gone,” what do you miss?


Take time to think about what you are passionate about! Whether you are a high school student trying to build up your college resume or a college student or recent grad searching for employment, taking this time is important! What were you doing to just check the box or add to your resume and you are now thankful you can delete that from your calendar?  On the other hand, what do you really miss now that all you can do is spend quality time with your family?   And, how can I take these things I miss and make the most of them? Show your leadership/ innovation now that you have the time!


So, here are some recommendations to make the most of your time:

1.     Tap into your network who also now has time to connect. Now that most of the world (except those in healthcare) has a little more time and now know how to use video/ chat features, reach out!  Learn from those family or friends that are in areas you are interested in.

2.     Be creative!  How can you still pursue your passion?

3.     Learn new skills- Places like Corseva ( offer free classes for you to learn skills